About this project

This is a companion to the Game Maker's Toolkit video "Can I fix Zelda's UI using Unity?"

The latest Zelda game, Echoes of Wisdom, has a pretty bad UI. Every echo in the game (all 127 of them!) are selected from a single horizontal row - meaning it can take forever to find the one you actually want!

So for this video I decided to recreate the UI in Unity, and then apply various tweaks and changes to make it more efficient and enjoyable to use. That includes a system with tabs, a spiral staircase, and a layout inspired by Sony's Cross Media Bar.

You can try out the different styles yourself in the demonstration above. 


  • Enter / Space / A / Cross - Pick demo
  • Escape / Backspace / Start - Exit demo

The radial and spiral demos require a controller with an analogue stick to use. The other demos can be played with a keyboard.



  • Spiral now expands both horizontally and vertically for a more pleasing visual design
  • Cross Media Bar no longer breaks when switching between horizontal and vertical
  • Smaller game resolution to work more comfortably on more screens

Get the code

GMTK's Patreon backers on any tier can download the Unity project file and code here.


This project is a fan-made demonstration and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or associated with Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda and all related trademarks, characters, and intellectual property are owned by Nintendo.

This project is intended for educational and non-commercial purposes only. 

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
AuthorGame Maker's Toolkit
Made withUnity
TagsGame Design


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(2 edits)

Love the XMB one! But I think to sell the effect even further, it would be nice to hide the other vertical columns not currently in selection. This is also how the playstation XMB worked iirc. Would look a lot cleaner, imo.

Edit: Also, Nintendo should just really release a patch and use the original with acceleration option. I mean this is how they should've handled it.

The spiral version is very elegant. I still appreciate the cross media bar for the categorization aspect. Very interesting case study.

The Cross Media bar is great with keyboard, but pretty broken using a gamepad (it goes so fast instead of making you flick the stick and it seems to move the stack to the left of the cursor?)

I really didn’t like which item was selected in the spiral menu. My brain wanted it to be like 45 degrees farther along.

grid with tabs is very simple and worked well. It might be the one that best keeps the original intent while improving the speed of selection.

The Spiral is the clear best because it also includes the designer’s intent.

The rework is way cleaner too!

That said you are missing a very important piece of UI information; the tri cost of each object (sorry if that’s not the actual name, I haven’t gotten to playing yet).

As it stands I can’t see any neat way of including it, either.

Maybe you could have the chosen on floating in a bubble in the middle (after a short delay so that it doesn’t flicker while spinning) with the cost etc on it. This would also make it visually clearer what you have selected (since objects on the far right of the spiral are covered by the title bar)

Additionally, it’d be great to see the sorting come back in. I can picture a really cool effect where the spiral does a complete rotation into the new layout to hide the change.

The Spiral menu was the most fun to use and I feel it would have been a better choice to encourage creativity. It's not an obvious choice of a menu nor convenient, but it has a very toyish feel about it.

I'm honestly surprised Original with acceleration wasn't the original design. It really seems like an oversight they didn't handle it this way as it just feels better to use. Skimming thru the options quickly seems like it would lead to more moments of "Wait, what's that? I forgot I had this echo."

Using either a Grid or Radial menu with Tabs would probably be the most efficient/utilitarian options for players to navigate. The cross media bar would be less convenient, but still be pretty efficient. The cross media bar and grid are fine to navigate with a d-pad, but radial is much better when using an analog stick.

I really love Grid and tabs and Cross media bar, I think they work really well.

I thought that Original with acceleration could be a good idea, but I really can't find anythink that I'm searching for.


Thanks for the feedback! Just made a few changes

- Spiral menu now expands both horizontally and vertically, for a better visual

- Cross Media Bar no longer breaks when switching between vertical and horizontal bars

- Smaller window to run more comfortably on more screens


Grid and tabs and Cross media bar are good. I think Spiral menu could work if implemented with a bit more depth.

Also, using the Cross media bar with my analogue stick completely freaks out and breaks lmao


sorry but it cant connect to my xbox controller

(1 edit)

Considering the design choices behind the original, what if we used the cross-media bar as the foundation and add some acceleration?

That would solve the discoverability issue, be compatible with both keyboard and controllers, and eliminate those super long wait times from the original!

The crossbar worked really well and I surprisingly to myself really enjoyed the spiral menu. The crossbar is maybe more user friendly but I think the spiral menu would be most efficient for someone capable of using it well.

(1 edit) (+4)

I think the Cross Media Bar option is by far the best one. It still allows for that discovery that the dev mentioned but just groups the similar echoes together. That just also makes it easier to see if you have more or less powerful versions of the same echo which is useful depending on how much of tris power you can use.

And adding the sorting options to that from the game would just make it even more useful.


Using the analog stick in Original with acceleration, there is no "pause" in the selection when flicking the stick from the center, which makes it extremely hard to only scroll one element (not a problem with the D-Pad/Keyboard).

Also, Cross media bar is completely broken with the analog stick.

(Tested on Firefox)


This was amazing. I also had way too much fun glitching out the spiral menu and getting it to re-trigger the sound each frame lmao


Pretty Dope 

My favorite is the Ps3 Cross Media Bar

I learned new stuff about unity today ;D