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That was fun thanks :)

I've always liked bhopping and breaking the character's animation so I maxed out the jump buffer stat to support the timing.

(2 edits) (-3)


this is first multiplayer of all time in games





Considering this is meant for learning, I would expect the full source code to be available as well. Any reason it’s not?

(1 edit)

Please make 32-bit version for windows! I would love to play this game video essay!


Nice game because, i feel in control...


I see my self as quite bad with platformer controls and I'm making a platformer alone! This was a true lifesaver to me. Keep it up

Was really fun, and there was a lot more game mechanics to just movement than I thought

The spring mechanic is infuriating. I just could not figure out how they worked. I had to just cheese my way past the spikes.


increase air acceleration in the jump menu


this game is so cool.


Interesting! I ended up with something very close to Celeste for running, but with a little less acceleration! Close to it, too for running.


hey, i  see everyone saying how good this is, but i kinda cant play it, she doesnt move jump, or do anything in the browser version for me, only things that work are the mouse controled ones, can anyone help me?


use either the arrow keys, or the wasd keys to move. space bar to jump. make sure the last thing you clicked was in the game too

OOOOHHHH i forgot to click, thanks man!

OOOOHHHH i forgot to click, thanks man!



I'm a teacher and this will definitely be in my next year's class at some point!

You call it essay but this is actually a master class! Congratulations and keep doing them! I'm sure you can find other themes to add to the collection!

Thank you for this amazing assets!


so dang good


Very cool


video game essay


i adore this


Incredible idea


Mark, this is amazing! It's an increadiblet tool to have. Thank you and the team for this.


This was very helpful, and a select few points were very informative even OUTSIDE platformer design. Thanks again, Mark!


Damn thats pretty good.


Don't miss this excellent research on jumping

This. Is. Amazing !



A slightly updated Game Feel (

Cool, I guess

I teached me a lot ! Thanks


This is amazing and I love it, and should be necessary playing for anyone interested in learning about game feel. One note: version you show in the youtube video has a "?" help button next to the Air Control and Air Acceleration sliders, but this version does not. I had to kinda guess what they mean.


You can just jump over almost everything lol


you made your jump too high. the goal is to make it fun, not to beat the level

i know that 

really nice game😵😵😵


It's really cool and teaches you maybe how you want your platformer to be.


10/10 this is a great tool to explain character movement


Is a virus?

There's no download description




it's from gmtk




gmtk is really trusted. and no, it's not a virus.


this guy is an idiot


No it is not. Its from GMTK (Game Makers Toolkit) from Youtube. Try to search for him and he will introduce this game in his video.

Why would it be a Virus?


There's many malweres in


i mean you can just play the web version lol its right there


Really interesting and helpful for people like me who are learning to tweak platformers!

this was fun!



I love how turning speed, lookahead and jump to the max creates Canabalt.

Very interesting stuff, would definitely take a course if you were the teacher.

sooo cooool !


very nice! my one suggestion is adding captions to the presets-- i couldn't quite tell which was which apart from mario/celeste!


Mario, Sonic, Celeste, Super Meat Boy



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