A downloadable game for Windows

Escape a dangerous factory using the power of magnetism. You must team up with three different magnet friends and use their unique abilities to solve more than 60 tricky single-screen puzzles.

This game comes from Mark Brown, the creator of the YouTube channel Game Maker’s Toolkit. You can follow his game making journey on YouTube... and soon play the final result for yourself!


  • Solve more than 60 puzzles, in 6 different floors as you work your way up the factory.
  • Use magnetism to move blocks, open doors, travel over gaps, and more.
  • Meet a cast of cute magnet friends and borrow their handy problem-solving abilities.
  • Scour the levels to find hidden bolts, and unlock… something! Probably! I'm still making the game!

Note: description and screenshots depict a game that is still in development. Features, visuals, and content is subject to change as development continues.

Note 2: The Mac version has some bugs - I'm looking in to it! Thanks for your patience!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(65 total ratings)
AuthorGame Maker's Toolkit
GenrePuzzle, Platformer
TagsIndie, magnets


Mind Over Magnet - Demo (Windows) 74 MB


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hay if you need translation from English to Hindi or Urdu i can help


Love it.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

i beat it to fast btw i beat it in 2 min


good game but to short

its a demo


Hi, I'd like to volunteer to translate your game from English into Brazilian Portuguese.


Solid mechanics, but flawed sequencing of these first levels. "In and Out" and "Watch your Step", for example, feel like they should have been the final test for the respective skills they were teaching. It didn't feel right that the end of the demo was considerably easier than the middle of it. 

I was also disappointed by the lack of personality in the character designs and environments. I was overly aware that everything I as looking at and interacting with had been placed there by the developer, rather than being an actual part of this game's world. 

I do still look forward to the full release, but my expectations have been lowered a bit by this demo.

A very polished demo, I do think the main character could have more reactions though.

cool game i know how hard can be to make game like this alone and i respect it 

Good Game!

Awesome idea great demo

Solid and polished little puzzler, with excellent puzzle design. The only thing I am left wanting is something else to keep me progressing through the puzzles. More story, or characters or something. Half the appeal of portals is Glados. Some compelling reward besides more puzzles would put this over the top for me.

Well, the reward mentioned in-game is escaping the factory. But we don't even know why we don't want to be inside it.


make a web build :)

I would like to see a character that is a clump of magnetic balls. Even if you already planned all three magnet friends this would be cool to see.


I like the cute graphics and music. I agree with koskkwosk - a run button would be nice. And please add a custom key bind for dialogue.


I liked this game a lot, I just wish there was more of it
also I think a run button would be nice, even just using the regular action button so you can experiment faster but that's the only slight problem I have
also you will probably add this already but a bind for dialogue is missing


Bro make it for android please


MoM lol


game of the year indie!!! good job mark!


best game ever!


Fun game, hopefully the puzzles get a lot harder though. It is just a demo so I'm not too worried about it.


Really cute demo! Everything about this game is very neat. Would definitely pay some money to play this.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

mind over matter, does it matter to any of us

don’t change the subject

im heavy on your love

I probably missed that train, but what's going on here?


I play the demo and is very good and i love it!


The magnets don't exactly behave like magnets. I mean... you don't have to turn a steel plate on or off to get a magnet attracted to it....


I guess you never heard about electric magnets.

(1 edit) (+2)

I enjoyed playing the Demo and I liked the design and sound effects most, which give a wonderful and nice atmosphere to the game

this game is good but how do you unlock the extras or is that just for the full gaming :(


this game is the best!


Can we get a Mac port


"Note 2: The Mac version has some bugs - I'm looking in to it! Thanks for your patience!"

Hey, read descipitons 


i like the game and it has really fluid movement i really enjoyed it it was very responsive

Demo is here but now on Steam yet?

Yes, it's a separate game altogether though.


Hey, really like your game. awesome work. I am looking for indie creator games for a co-op bundle. If you would like to join us: Ultimate Elite Bundle Submissions - itch.io best regards & peace <3


i don’t think he will be interested considering the fact that he is “mark brown from game maker’s toolkit”


never heared of this man, but i think you should never be too "famous" to support the newcomers, indie-scene... 

don’t get me wrong he would 100 percent be down to support indie games in fact he is the biggest indie game supporter i know he literally has a series where he promotes good indie games and he and his team run one of the biggest game jams on (GMTK game jam) i was just trying to look for a way to include his famous quote into a comment

fair i appologies he is cool 


Well made game!

The key for skipping dialogs was still E, even though i changed the keys from the settings.

This version felt polished like a complete game, compared to the previous demo. Good job.

Also i don't know is it because i played the previous version but this demo felt very easy that made me feel a little bit bored.

I hope the difficulty will increase significantly as the game goes on in the full release.


this is the one by that one youtuber?




I think I broke it xD

(I positioned it as close to the wall as possible, ran and timed grab and got it after a few attempts, running it on linux through proton experimental although I doubt it matters, and on 144fps)


I love how this game encourages exploration. there's always something new to discover.


looks good. just waiting for the mac version to come out.


Been following the Dev Log for a while.
I'll be sure to pick it up.
Mind Over Magnet by Gamemaker's Toolkit Pt1




Really nice. I love the cute theme and styling, the thick lines of the artwork is just right, and the music especially is a perfect fit for meditative puzzling, really nailed that. Main thing that stands out to me at this point would be achieving a smooth difficulty curve, it seems to spike and dip a bit, and I think could generally increase a bit faster overall. My favorite puzzle in this demo's collection was the one where you have to drop Magnus down onto the switch, his reaction really seals it too. Overall, I am excited to pick up and play the full release (and hear your thoughts about the end of this development journey).

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